Sunday, September 14, 2008

I hate goodbyes

Tonight we had to say goodbye to my mom since she leaves tomorrow morning for her mission in Philadelphia. We had her and Laura over for dinner and then Julie and the kids came over later to have dessert and say goodbye. I know it's only a year, but it was still really hard to say goodbye. I was doing pretty good until the kids said goodbye and started crying. We've been so lucky to have her so close and she's been there as they have grown up and they are very attached to her. I know that this will be a great experience for my mom and I am so proud of her for working so hard to reach this goal. She is a wonderful example to me. I love you mom!
My sister-in-law Julie and I thought it would be a good idea to have a blog for my mom while she is on her mission so that friends and family can keep up-to-date with her. When we receive photos and updates we will post them and we can all keep track of what is going on with her. The blog we have set up for her is Watch for updates!


Julie said...

Thanks Linda for having us all over to say good-bye. Pat is the greatest - we're sure going to miss her. Anyway, would you mind e-mailing me the pics we took the night we all went out to dinner - i want to put a post on my blog and needed some pics w/kevin and kelly - thanks :-).

The mission blog looks great, btw. Tell Andy great job!

Kelsey said...

Oh, good for your ma! I'm sure you will miss her! Atleast she's setting a great example for your chillens!
Sorry if the sad memories of me moving away make it even harder for you.

Brooke said...

I'm sure it is hard having your mom gone. Your mom must be a great lady to sacrifice so much to go on a mission. Your blog looks so good.

Jodi said...

Hang in there- that would be hard for me because I am so close with my mom too. She will do an awesome job!

Jenna said...

I hope you are doing ok without your mom. I know how close you are. Your mom is such an amazing person and she will be a great missionary.Let me know if we can be your new place for Sunday dinner!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how she can leave these beautiful little grandchildren of hers. She must really believe in what she is doing--I admire such conviction! I hope she comes on these blogs that you, Carrie, Julie and Kylie post. I'm sure it will alleviate the pain of missing the kids. You guys all do such a wonderful job.