Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Since I have not been in a blogging mood lately, what better way to get me back blogging than to wish my two favorite eight year olds a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Kaden and Spencer turned eight yesterday, but we started celebrating last Friday. They invited some of their closest friends to a birthday party at Jump On It. They had a great time jumping on all the tramps while playing football at the same time!
Then on their actual birthday they couldn't believe that I would make them go to school, but I did!!! Andy had the day off of work so we picked up a special lunch for them and ate lunch at school with them. This was major progress for them to let us come to lunch with them. They are too embarrassed already to have their mom and dad eat with them, but at the last minute they decided it was okay. Then last night we just had grandparents over to celebrate by opening presents and having cake and ice cream.
Every year when November 16th comes around I somewhat relive alot of the emotions that I experienced when the twins were first born. It is no secret that their first year of their life was one of the hardest years of my life. I look back with such gratitude for the people who helped me and my family. There is a very long list of people from family members, close friends, neighbors, ward members, visiting teachers, and so on. Most of them would probably not consider what they did for me as important and amazing as I consider it. I have no words to describe the love and caring I felt from them through their acts of selfless service!!
In honor of their eighth birthday, here are the eight things I love the most about Kaden and Spencer:


*Kaden is my sensitive, kind, and caring boy. I hope he never grows out of this.
*My sports FANATIC!!! If there is a sport to be played he will play it. His life revolves around sports.
*He is a great big brother. He is very protective and caring of Ethan!
*He is very smart and a good student. His teachers can never say enough good about him.
*Kaden is a great helper. He loves to do jobs for me around the house!! He will make some girl very happy someday!!
*He is a great example and friend to those around him.
*Kaden does what he knows is right. He is a good leader.
*Kaden is very calm and balances out our family.


*My comedian. Spencer loves to get people to laugh.
*Spencer is very compassionate. He genuinely cares about others.
*Spencer has more energy than anyone I know. At times it wears me out, but I wouldn't change it!
*Spencer loves to help me with things that need to be done around the house.
*Spencer is a great friend. He always wants to include everyone in everything!
*Spencer is a great student--especially math and handwriting. His writing is perfect!! It is neater than any adult I know. His teachers always brag about what a good student he is!
*Spencer has a great imagination. He likes to write stories and does a great job.
*Spencer is always happy. Just looking at him smile all the time makes me smile. I am smiling just thinking about it!

Happy Birthday Kaden and Spencer! Thank you for all the wonderful attributes you bring into our family! I love you SO much!!

The boys and their friends at Jump On It

Anxiously waiting for their grandparents to come so they could open presents!

The boys requested a football cake

Make a wish!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

She's back!!

My mom returned a few weeks ago after serving an LDS Mission in Philadelphia, PA. The past year went extremely fast and we are excited to have her back with us. The day she was to arrive home the kids and I went over to her house before school and decorated it a little to welcome her home. Ethan and I went to the airport later on to pick her up. It was so great to see her again! Ethan warmed up to her immediately and it was as though she had never left. I had Andy check the kids out of school a little early and they were waiting in her driveway to surprise her as we pulled in. The kids were SO anxious to see her--it was a great surprise!! We are so glad that Grandma is back near us, but so grateful for the wonderful example she set for all of us. She served the people of Philadelphia so selflessly and I am sure she is greatly missed there!

Friday, August 21, 2009


That is what my house has been since the kids started school yesterday. As much as I miss them and the noise that constantly accompanies them I am loving my quiet house, the house staying clean for more than 5 minutes, kids not knocking on my door every 3 minutes(no exaggeration!), and some one-on-one time with my buddy E. But by 3:30 I am ready for the noise and excitement that the kids bring home. They do not disappoint!!

My gorgeous kiddos before they left for school

I told them to act like they loved each other. This is what I got. I was satisfied!

Ethan waited patiently but wanted a picture too. Can't leave Ethan out!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

12 Years and 1 week ago. . .

I married my best friend. I am a week late in posting, but can't pass up the opportunity to tell Andy(he probably doesn't even know how to get to this blog!) how much I love and appreciate him. Andy is the most supportive and helpful person/husband/father that I know. He would do anything for me and that means so much! We have been through a lot together the past 12 years, lots of good times to look back and laugh about, and even some difficult struggles that have made us stronger and closer. Happy 12 years Andy!! Can't wait to see what the next 12 bring!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Carolinas

We just got back from a 10 day trip to North and South Carolina. We went with Andy's family and flew into North Carolina. Andy's dad is from North Carolina and all his family still lives here. We were able to spend a day in his hometown and visit with family that we(Andy and I) haven't seen in ten years. They hosted a BBQ in our honor where we got to eat great food and catch up with those we haven't seen for so long.

Then we set off to spend a week at Myrtle Beach. Quite a few of Andy's relatives made the trek also so we were able to spend a lot of time with them!! Our condo was right on the water so we spent a lot of time at the ocean. I forgot how much I hate the sand! It gets into EVERYTHING!!! The kids of course had a blast and especially loved the waves. The water there was great because it was so warm. We also spent a lot of time at the pools. My kids absolutely love to swim. Ethan has always liked the water, but turned into a little fish on this trip. His favorite thing to do was to jump in the water, go all the way under, and then climb out the stairs and do it again. . . and again and again and again!! We definitely had to keep an eye on him because one time he jumped in and we weren't near him to catch him. Luckily Andy moved quick and got him! We were also able to fit in a little shopping, hanging out, and some good ol' R&R.


Cassie and Stephanie making the best ice cream EVER!

My FIL with his brothers and sisters


The older cousins

The younger cousins

Cousins being silly!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Golfing Gone Bad

What happens when a swinging golf club meets a lip?? Unfortunately I had the privilege of finding out last week and let me tell you. . . it isn't pretty. The twins were outside playing with friends and asked to bring their golf clubs out. I said yes as long as they were careful. Not more than 20 minutes later I hear someone screaming. The scream gets louder as it approaches the house. I can instantly tell it is Kaden and I can also tell by the cry that something is seriously wrong. He comes in the house covering his mouth and blood is everywhere. I instantly think it is his teeth, but I was wrong. He moved his hand away from his mouth and I gasped so loud. His upper lip(towards the corner of his mouth) is completely split open. I'm talking all they way through the inside of his mouth and up. The lip was completely detached from itself. It took me just a quick second to get over the shock of what I am seeing. I got him calmed down, an ice pack, a babysitter for the other kids, and we headed off to the ER. Kaden was so nervous to go to the hospital, but did amazing. He was totally brave and I was SO proud of him. We had the nicest ER doctor ever and he stitched Kaden up--7 stitches total!! Let's just say the golf clubs have been put away and won't be seen for quite awhile!!!

**These pictures really don't do it justice, but it's probably better that way.**

This was taken right after we got home from the hospital. He is all stitched up but still a little swollen.

This was taken 5 days later, right before we left to go get the stitches out.

Kaden's lip looks so much better. It still is healing--especially the part at the bottom of his lip and into the inside of his mouth. We have to give it about a month and if it doesn't heal correctly he will have to go to a plastic surgeon. Keep your fingers crossed that it heals!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Sad Goodbye

We had to say goodbye to my sister,Laura, on Friday. She is headed off to St. Louis, Missouri with her hubby. He is starting medical school there next month. Now all my sisters live out of state and I hate it! Luckily I am surrounded by great friends who help to fill that void!
Laura and I decided to have a final girls day together before she left. We went out to lunch and then shopped till we dropped! Cassidy tagged along and unfortunately she loves to shop as much as I do! We had a great time together just us girls.
I wanted to surprise Laura with a little going away party so I invited what little family we have left in Utah over for dinner. I really thought Laura suspected something, but she was completely surprised when she saw all of us. It was great!!
We hung out with Laura and Jon one final time and I gave Laura a going away pedicure!! Then came Friday when we had to actually say goodbye. I was dreading it. There were lots of tears, but we survived. We are going to miss having them so close and hanging out with them, and of course the free babysitting!! We are so happy for them and all the exciting adventures that life has in store for them!

*My not-so-good attempt at pictures at Laura's surprise party. I was too busy hosting to remember pictures!!

Laura and Jon with my nieces

Ethan chillin' on Jon. He LOVES Jon and I am so sad that my kids won't see them very much.

The kids with Laura and Jon just before they left for Missouri

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sunny Seattle

We kicked off our summer vacation with a trip to Seattle. We couldn't have had better timing. We left just in time to miss all the rain in Utah and had the best weather EVER in Seattle. It didn't rain once, which has never happened to me before when I have been there. It was nice though because it made it much more pleasant for us as we kept busy outside! We have been wanting to take the family to Seattle for a while now, we haven't all been together there since the twins were 2 1/2 years old. I have been there by myself many times. It worked out great that my niece was graduating from high school so we decided to use that as our excuse to go. We had an awesome trip. The kids were so excited to be with their cousins 24/7 for a whole week!! Here are some highlights of our trip:

Graduations x 4: My niece not only graduated from high school but also from college with an associates degree. She participated in a running start program that her school offers and was able to attend a nearby college and earn her associates. The graduations were long, but worth it! Good job Kylie!! Good luck at college in the fall!!

We of course couldn't go to Seattle without spending a day downtown. I have been going to Seattle since I was about 15 years old to visit my sister. One of my greatest memories is the first time she took me downtown. I love going downtown and was even more excited to show the kids all the neat attractions. My dad was also there and my little sister and her husband so we made a fun day of it! We took a double decker bus tour(LOVED IT!) and took the kids to the top of the space needle. Andy and I have been up there but this was a first for the kids.

The kids loved being on the top of the bus! Ethan was so interested in his surroundings and enjoyed the ride taking it all in!

It just isn't a trip to Seattle without going to. . .


Ethan was obsessed with all the telescopes and had to look in every one that we passed

We also spent a day at the beach. The kids had a great time exploring. They found TONS of crabs and thought that was so neat. We ate seafood out on the pier and just enjoyed the beautiful day.

I just had to share this picture cause I thought it was so funny! One evening after all the kids were in bed we were all just hanging out downstairs at my sisters house. We were all on our laptops catching up on email, facebook, blogs, etc. Andy was sitting on the opposite end of the room and took this picture of us on his cell phone(hence the blurry picture). We were all so enthralled with what we were doing that we didn't even notice he took the picture. He then emailed it to each of us, which we of course received immediately since we were all online!!! I don't know what I would do without my computer. I can't even go on vacations without it!!!

I of course didn't have my camera for all of our fun! Cassidy and I went with my sister and her daughter and got pedicures, we cheered on my nephew in a baseball game, did I mention we attended 4 graduations!?!, shopping, and of course one of my favorite things to do in Seattle: italian sodas!!

Thanks to my sister and her fam for a wonderful vacation and a great place to stay!! Also, a shout out to my kids who were AMAZING on the trip--especially the 13 hour drive--each way!!!