Friday, May 30, 2008

Bragging Rights

We all have those moments when we really want to brag about our children, and as parents it is definitely our right to do so. So indulge me for just a minute while I take my turn. There is a test that is given to 3rd and 5th graders called the IOWA test. It is given nationwide and covers just about everything. Since Cassidy is in 3rd grade this year she was one of those who had to take this test. Cassidy's school had an awards assembly a couple days ago and she received an award for scoring in the top ten percent in the NATION on the IOWA test. When I saw the award I seriously started to cry (I seem to do that a lot ever since I had kids). I am so proud of her!! Way to go Cass!!
But I think the most important thing we learned from this is that she definitely gets her brains from her mom!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Please forgive me for hijacking Linda's blog, but I have to post to wish her a happy birthday! She made me promise I wouldn't do this, so hopefully I won't be in too much trouble.

In any case, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!! I hope you have a wonderful day. You deserve it. Thank you for all you do to take care of our family.


Monday, May 19, 2008

David Archuleta Wannabe

About a week and a half ago Andy got tickets to the Jazz playoff game. This was the game where David Archuleta sang the National Anthem. He did awesome. Check out this video of him singing.

Now fast forward to tonight. The boys were watching the video of David singing the National Anthem. Kaden then went to get in the shower and this is what we heard.

He obviously still has some work to do on the lyrics!
Kaden really didn't want me to put this video on my blog, but I couldn't resist!

Happy Birthday Andy!!

We just want to wish Andy a very happy birthday!! In honor of Andy on his 32nd birthday, here are 32 reasons why we love him. . .

*He helps me with homework
*He cheers me up when I am sad
*He is very nice
*He is really funny
*He calls me Bug
*He plays with me

*He takes me to lots of Jazz games
*He makes good breakfast
*He plays catch with me
*He loves me
*He goes to work and makes money for us
*He bought us a house

*He builds legos with me
*Makes good pancakes
*He bought me a fish
*He built us a swing set
*He teases me
*He loves me

*Takes really good care of me
*Changes my diapers
*Gives me baths
*Plays with me
*Always smiles at me
*Makes me laugh alot

*Very hard worker--not just at work, but at home too!
*Very handy around the house
*He is a great dad
*He is a great husband
*Very selfless
*Very helpful
*Provides for our family
*Would do ANYTHING for us

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged--again. I was actually tagged before, but I never did it--sorry Heidi. I figured this time I should actually do it!!

ABC's "getting to know you" TAG ABC's of you. Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friend: Andy
C-Cake or Pie: Cake
D-Day: Saturday
E- Essential Item: Tivo
F-Favorite Color: Pink
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither
H-Home town: I have lived so many places and didn't stay in one place long enough to consider it a hometown. I was born in Concord, MA but I guess I would consider Cedar Hills my hometown since we love it so much here.
I- Indulgences: Cold Stone sweet cream ice cream with raspberries
J- January or July?: July
K-Kids: 4
L-Life is incomplete without: My family
M- Marriage Date: 8/8/97
N-Number of Siblings: 3 brothers and 2 sisters
O- Oranges or Apples: Both
P- Phobias or Fears: Spiders, Snakes, and FEET!!
Q- Quote: Be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
R- Reason To Smile: When I see my kids doing nice things for each other
S- Season: Summer
T- Tag Three: Jenna, Trisha, Brooke, and Cassidy!!
U- Unknown fact about me: I LOVE shoes!! If the shoe fits buy one in every color!!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Oppressor of Animal. Steak anyone??
W- Worst Habit: I am very impatient
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: ultrasounds
Y-Your favorite food: anything my mom makes!
Z: Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to wish a Happy Mother's Day to the two wonderful mothers in my life.
First to my mother-in-law Pam: Thanks for being a great mother to Andy. You raised a great son and a wonderful husband for me. Thanks for being a great mother-in-law to me. You are also a wonderful grandma to my kids. They love you so much! You are so generous, sweet, caring, and loving. We appreciate you and are grateful to have you in our lives!

Next, to my mom: Thanks for being a wonderful mom! I am so glad to have you as my mom. You taught me so much and I am still learning from you. You have helped me through some tough times and are always there when I need to talk. I am so lucky to have you so close and don't know what I will do when you leave this fall!! You are a great grandma and the kids love you too!!

As I searched for pictures of our moms to use in this post I realized that I don't have a lot to choose from. Sorry for the outdated pictures. I have PLENTY of pictures of the kids, just need more with the grandmas in them!!

Finally, Happy Mother's Day to. . . ME!! I actually just want to say how happy I am to be a mom. Without these four beautiful kids I don't think my life would have much purpose. I love being a mom, even on those rough day. . .luckily the good days definitely outnumber the bad ones. My kids teach me something new everyday and are a great example to me. I love you guys a ton!!