Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Andy!!

We just want to wish Andy a very happy birthday!! In honor of Andy on his 32nd birthday, here are 32 reasons why we love him. . .

*He helps me with homework
*He cheers me up when I am sad
*He is very nice
*He is really funny
*He calls me Bug
*He plays with me

*He takes me to lots of Jazz games
*He makes good breakfast
*He plays catch with me
*He loves me
*He goes to work and makes money for us
*He bought us a house

*He builds legos with me
*Makes good pancakes
*He bought me a fish
*He built us a swing set
*He teases me
*He loves me

*Takes really good care of me
*Changes my diapers
*Gives me baths
*Plays with me
*Always smiles at me
*Makes me laugh alot

*Very hard worker--not just at work, but at home too!
*Very handy around the house
*He is a great dad
*He is a great husband
*Very selfless
*Very helpful
*Provides for our family
*Would do ANYTHING for us


Jenna said...

Happy Birthday Andy! Hope you have a fun day together. Cute post and I love that picture of you guys!

Julie said...

How sweet you guys - and what a great picture - just beautiful. We love Andy - tell him thanks for taking off the red bar on my blog :-).