Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Christmas in June

For Christmas we got the kids an air hockey table. The idea was to put it in the basement, along with some other big toys that we keep down there for them to play with. Well, if you had seen my basement a few months ago you would understand why it has taken this long to make room for the air hockey table. We had so much stuff down there and it was taking up so much room. For the past couple months we have been working so hard in our basement going through each and every box. We organized everything that we are keeping and set aside everything we don't want for a garage sale that we are having at my mom's this weekend. Well, the good news is that we finished, the basement looks awesome, but best of all the air hockey table is FINALLY assembled!! The kids were so excited that they had half the neighborhood in the other day to play!


Jenna said...

That looks fun. I guess you guys will be the summer hang out for all of the neighborhood kids!