Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy 11th Anniversary!

I really can't believe it's already been 11 years! Time flies.
Andy and I met while working for the same company one summer. We quickly became friends and hung out together all the time. Eventually our relationship turned into more than just friendship. In February of 1997 Andy flew me to San Fransisco and as we walked along the pier out on the water he proposed! We were married on August 8, 1997 in the Bountiful LDS Temple! We have been through lots of things together these last 11 years, but the most important would be having our 4 children!! Andy really is the perfect husband. He would do anything for me and our kids. He helps me more than most husbands probably do. He works so hard for our family which allows me to be home raising our children. He doesn't stop working when he gets home in the evening. He immediately jumps right in to helping around the house and with the kids. I feel so lucky to have Andy in my life. I really couldn't imagine going through life without him. Thanks for 11 great years and many more to come! I love you!


Trisha said...

Happy Anniversary you guys! Hope it is a wonderful and romantic day for you!

Jenna said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! I love that picture. Have a wonderful day together!

Julie said...

I just love this picture of you two - you both look so great! I hope you enjoyed a great anniverary. See you Sunday :-).

Unknown said...

Linda, this posting made me cry. I think Andy is wonderful too, when I see him in action (which is every time I see you guys) I am always struck by what a great family man he is. You guys have a good balance and work together well as a team. Four kids in eleven years, and you still look like young lovers in this photo. Good for you. Happy Anniversary.

Jill said...

Happy 11 years! Hope you guys had fun last friday!