Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What would I do without my sister?

So those of you that know me really well, know that I often talk about my very crafty, talented, sister, Katie. She lives in Washington so we don't get to see each other very often, but when we do we have a blast together. Isn't it sad that her favorite summer vacation is to come to Utah! I personally am glad that she makes the long trek here every summer, not only because we get to hang out the whole time, but she is always willing to help me with my crafting dilemmas--I have a lot of them, she got all the talent in that department. I can't even begin to count how many wonderful things she has done for me, but the ones that stand out most in my mind are: she handmade Andy and I a queen-size comforter for our wedding(it took her six months), she sewed all the outfits for the nieces and nephews for my wedding, she has made me countless numbers of curtains for our house(not only this one, but everywhere else we have lived), she painted painted the boys room for me and not just a simple paint job, she spent a lot of time because we were doing multiple stripes and colors, she came for Christmas and spent a TON of time painting all my kitchen cabinets and antiquing them, but most recently--this past July--she came and made me new curtains for my kitchen. She made one for my back door, and my two kitchen windows. They are beautiful.

One of the great talents that my sister has is that she can just look at something and if she doesn't know how to do it, she can figure it out. That is how she did my curtains. I just took her to my friends house and told her to copy the same design--and she did--perfectly!
My sister has just started a new online business. It is iloveletterz.com. It is a vinyl business and she can cut and create anything you want in any color and size. Check it out! So, of course while she was here this summer we had to do some vinyl too. I had a hard time getting this picture because it is on my stairwell and my camera wouldn't zoom out enough to get a full shot. But take a look anyway at the great vinyl she designed and then from the top of my hallway looking down there is somewhat of a full shot. This is now my favorite wall in the house!

These pictures really don't do it justice, but it's the best I could do!
Katie, thanks for always being willing to help me out--I can't imagine what my house would look like without you!!


Jenna said...

Cute curtains and I love the hallway pictures. It looks so good. I need a crafty sister...

Sherylen said...

Is she for Higher? My house needs a lot of help.

Brooke said...

I was noticing your curtains during our meeting last week and was wondering if they'd always been there. I meant to tell you that I really liked them. Now I can. I really like them.

Jill said...

That is so cute, I want to see the wall for real. You are so lucky, she is such a sweet sister to help with all those projects! Your house is so super cute too!

Anonymous said...

I've been in awe of Katie since I've known her. As far as creativity and crafts go, I am the anti-Katie. My kids still have the blankets she made them when they were born on their beds. They are so worn and well-loved that I can't wash them anymore without fear that they will disolve.

Pat Cantera said...


Pat Cantera said...

Hi Linda